Legal Notice

Legal information

Factory - 14 rue Palouzié, 93400 Saint-Ouen
Telephone : +33(0)1 84 21 47 82
SAS with capital of €50,000
Registered with the RCS of Bobigny 824 693 329

Sweet Punk - https://www.sweetpunk.com/
53 Rue de Châteaudun, 75009 Paris
Tel : 01 85 08 55 59

Personal data

Factory is committed to ensuring the highest level of protection for your personal data in compliance with the French Data Protection Act and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Your personal data is collected and processed in compliance with the applicable legal framework. For more information on the protection of personal data, please consult the website of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés.

Your data can be accessed by Factory's marketing, communication and sales teams. This information enables our departments to develop our business relations. For technical and administrative reasons, it is also accessible by our IT departments. In the context of our marketing activities, your data is stored on the territory of the Member States of the European Union by our Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Automation service provider and is never sold or transferred to third parties.

Factory implements a personal data protection policy that defines our governance in this area. This policy requires our stakeholders to respect the principles set out in the legal framework:

  • Only process personal information for explicit and legitimate purposes;
  • Only process information that is relevant and proportionate to those purposes;
  • To keep you fully informed about the processing of your personal data;
  • Keep this information only for as long as is necessary to achieve these purposes and to comply with our obligations;
  • To ensure the security of your data for the entire duration of its processing;
  • Ensure the confidentiality of your data vis-à-vis any unauthorised third party;
  • Ensure that your individual rights with regard to your personal data are respected;
  • Ensure compliance with the accountability principle;

It allows :

  • The right of access
    The primary owners of the data in our possession will be able to request access to their personal data and ask how it is used.
  • The right to be forgotten
    Data owners may withdraw their consent to the use of their data by Factory. Simply send an email to the team to unsubscribe via the contact form.
  • The right to data portability
    Data owners have the right to recover their data for re-use by another service provider.
  • The right to information
    Data owners will be informed of any data collection concerning them with their explicit consent.
  • The right of notification
    In the event of a data leak, they will be informed within 72 hours."

Intellectual property

The Factory site is a creative work, exclusive property, protected by French and international legislation on intellectual property rights. Any unauthorised reproduction or distribution of all or part of the elements and information on this site is prohibited. The content is available for private, non-collective use.

Under the terms of article L. 122-5.2 of the French Intellectual Property Code, only copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copier and not intended for collective use"" are authorised, as are analyses and short quotations for the purposes of example and illustration. ""Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the author or his successors in title or assigns is unlawful"" (art. L. 122-4). Any such representation or reproduction, by whatever means, would therefore constitute an infringement punishable under articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Legal notice: information technology and civil liberties (CNIL)

You may send data about yourself via this site to Factory. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any personal information held about you by writing to : Factory - Legal information - 14 rue Palouzié, 93400 Saint-Ouen

Trademarks & logos

Any use whatsoever of the brand names and logos on this site is prohibited without Factory's authorisation.

Photo and video credits

All photos and videos on this site are protected by copyright. Photo credits: Factory, Yann Deret, Agathe Tissier, Claire Israël and Julien Pépy.

Matomo Analytics

The Factory website uses the Matomo Analytics" tracking solution to analyse traffic and conversions. Under no circumstances are emails or people's names collected. You can also block cookies on your web browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge and Firefox) so as not to share information about your visit to our website.