Welcome to the seventies by Factory: a free, uninhibited, fun, cheeky, and energizing capsule portfolio.
November 21, 2022

Using our Angell Bikes, we traverse different creative universes. The latest one: the seventies.
This iconic decade carries strong values in terms of design and inspiration. Secondhand, color codes, shapes are elements that inspire both major luxury houses and our daily lives.
Beyond a visual universe, the seventies also represent the disco years. This iconic rhythm is a source of inspiration, allowing our teams to find the beat that will guide each project.
Listening to new challenges, whether related to urban planning or climate constraints, we believe that bikes will be one of the major players in our future. So, it's only natural that this tool transports us through this visual adventure.
"Welcome to the seventies by Factory" is a free, uninhibited, fun, cheeky, and energizing capsule. A true temporal creative experience by bike.
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